whats up everyone!
today i ate out with my girl for dinner. everytime we get together, we talk about guys! and of course we did tonight too.
my ex is african american and she always crushes on african american guys too so our topic is basically american guys.lol or comparison of japanese guys with american ones.
tonight's our conclusion is... "guys are hunters!!!" we think they like the process of getting girls and the actions themselves. it's like a game... isn't it? cuz they try to get girls attention so hard but once they realize the girls got the special feeling towards them, they don't make efforts anymore. at least this has happened to us some times. what do u think? agree? disagree?
oh and we are such music lovers and music is always our topic too. we love Keri Hilson!!! she is perfect!!! she is absolutely beautiful, has great body, sings, writes music, dances.... damn she's so talented and has so many things!!! so jealous! i wish i was like her.... "Slow Dance" i love it. my fav song now :)
and the pic is today's my outfits. the jacket is from Forever21 and it was only 10 bucks!!! hehe i'm so proud of being a good shopper ;)
okay it was a fun night tonight. i got a lot of things to do for job hunting tmrw so i'll go to bed and get rest. u guys have a good day! Oyasumi :)